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- 96virus.zip New 1996 computer viruses you should know about
- alice.zip Alice in unix land
- apples.zip While trashing at apple computer inc, among other things, we
- asshole.zip Junkware identification
- babbage.zip Babbage the new language for future demands
- badcom_1.zip Top Ten Signs You Bought A Bad Computer
- badcomps.zip From creative computing's "the world's worst computers", sept 85.
- bbss.zip The history of the bbs user
- bbssecur.zip Anti-fed bbs security
- beer_os.zip Beers of the (software) world
- belles1.zip .U.S. Impounds Chess Computer
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- c64vsibm.zip 64 good reasons that the commodore 64 surpasses the ibm (or any
- comics.zip Marvel comics price guide
- commuses.zip Uses for a commodore 64 "computer"
- comp_1.zip Subject: Computer Messages
- compilli.zip Reflections on computer illiteracy
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- compname.zip Meaningless computer names
- computer.zip Another computerized history
- copyrite.zip Single computer end-user software license agreement
- cray7.zip Cray-7 user's guide
- cs_jokes.zip Computer Science jokes
- dead1.zip The history of the bbs user a musical drama in -v- parts
- dead2.zip The history of the bbs user a musical drama in -v- parts
- dead3.zip The history of the bbs user a musical drama in -v- parts
- dead4.zip The history of the bbs user a musical drama in -v- parts
- dead5.zip The history of the bbs user a musical drama in -v- parts
- dr.zip A Grandchild's Guide to Using Grandpa's Computer
- dream.zip Dream - suspend execution for an interval while executing
- drinki1.zip How to Watch a Windows 95 Infomercial and Have a Good Time, The
- electr1.zip Electrical Engineering Purity Test
- emacs.zip Emacs: The Awakening
- entprise.zip STAR TREK V - The EMAIL Message (or More Trouble Than Tribbles)
- errors.zip The Canonical List of Error Messages
- evilhack.zip The evil that hackers do
- faxfun.zip Fax machine fun
- foot.zip The lovely explanation of how to identify a programming
- future.zip Towards the future of desktop computing
- hacker.zip The night of the hackers
- hacksong.zip The Hacker's song
- hacktest.zip The hacker test - version 1.0
- helpdesk.zip The Help Desk Gets Physical
- hp-fonts.zip Hewlett-packard fonts
- hw1.zip Canonical List Of Computer Harware Humor
- ibm.zip The ibm songbook
- ibm360.zip Hcf instruction: from principles of operation
- intern_2.zip ARE YOU AN INTERNET NERD?
- joke_i_1.zip Internet Cleaning Tomorrow
- joke_l_2.zip How to tell which programming language you're using
- joke_n_1.zip Greetings Netscapers,
- joke_n_2.zip Top Ten Anagrams for "Netscape Communications"
- joke_u_1.zip 101 Ways to be Obnoxious on Usenet
- market.zip Microsoft marketing strategy
- market1.zip Software engineering glossary or defining computer terms from a
- mel.zip Real Programmers write in Fortran
- mottos.zip Rejected state mottos
- ms-15q.zip 15 questions to ask Microsoft about Windows 95
- msoft.zip Ways things would be different if Microsoft was headquartered
- net.zip Computer-related horror stories, folklore, and anecdotes
- nethist.zip History Of The Net
- night1.zip A UNIX nightmare
- noemail.zip 100+ excuses why I haven't answered my E-mail:
- nusers.zip Parasite pamplet #3 : new users how to detect and destroy them
- piratgui.zip The Real Pirate's Guide
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- programm.zip The programmer's prayer
- psalm.zip My calculator is my shepherd, I shall not want:
- realprog.zip Real programmers don't use pascal
- realsyso.zip The real sysop and unreal board crashers...Volume 1
- redcomp.zip Redneck Computer Terms
- rfc748.zip TELNET RANDOMLY-LOSE Option
- script1.zip Macbeth 95
- sesame.zip Breakthrough in computer science educational technology.
- slings1.zip Structured Programmer's Soliloquy
- swwars.zip Software wars, Pardoy of Star Wars
- sysnbust.zip The sysop's guide to not getting busted!
- sysopp_1.zip Sysop test
- sysopsgu.zip The sysop's guide to loozers, leeches, rodents
- telnetsg.zip The telnet song
- test.zip Programming takes a special kind of person. a Logical mind and
- testsys.zip Test for system analysts computing (abbreviated)...
- thelas1.zip The last bug
- tiny-vax.zip Little Tiny Vax
- unisys.zip The burroughs/sperry (now unisys) merger song
- usersr_1.zip Men Who Use Computers Are The New Sex Symbols Of The `90s
- wargames.zip Is wargames possible? bullshit!
- vax-song.zip Vaxology
- vaxorcis.zip The vaxorcist
- webcult.zip Signs your Webmaster is in a cult...
- weird89.zip Xsoft (a xerox company)
- window1.zip TOP SECRET Microsoft(c) Code Project: Chicago(tm) info...
- zen.zip Zen and the art of software documentation